
Monday, July 9, 2012

Amazing Fabric Deal!!

So, many Wal-Marts have destroyed their fabric section by no longer carrying fabric on the bolt (though I was told by a Wal-Mart worker that they'll be bringing the bolts of cloth back, though she didn't know when).  The other day, our local Wal-Mart was getting rid of some bolts of fabric they still had--at $1 a yard!!  Yes, you read that right, ONE DOLLAR A YARD!!!!

It wasn't paycheck week, so I couldn't go as crazy as I would have liked.  So I took a deep breath and grabbed a few of my favorites:

You can't really tell the color right of this one.  It's a nice, tan polyester--darker than it looks here.  I practically saw the Jedi robes for Halloween jumping out of this one at me!  I can't wait to get started on those!  I emptied this bolt, about 4.5 yards.

I got two yards of this silky sheer.  I'm thinking scarves for Christmas?

I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of the fabric.  These are all cottons.  I got 4 yards each of these:

And these:

And I emptied the bolt of the final yard of this one.  Again, you can't exactly tell the color.  It's on kind of a subtle lime green background (if lime green can be subtle):

Any project ideas jumping out at you for these cottons?  My sewing machine is just itching to get it' on these!  =)

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