
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tax Return Time!!

Tax return time is an exciting time around here.  We always get a decent-sized refund, and it's our opportunity to buy large purchases that we need.

As I type this, my wonderful Mr. Man is out looking at a 15-passenger van that's for sale.  Now that Little Love #6 is here, we no longer fit in our mini van.

My wonderful hubby also ordered me a NICE microscope!!  I've been wanting one for our classroom.  However, I used to work in a medical laboratory.  So any old microscope just wasn't going to work for me.  I needed all the bells and whistles.  I NEEDED an oil immersion lens.  He got me a wonderful one, that just arrived in the mail yesterday.  Now I need to get it all put together!

It's also the time of year I get to order my new school curriculum for next year!  By now, I know what is and isn't working for my kids.  We're pretty well settled on what works for the older two.  We'll see what works for the next ones as time goes on.  But it's so exciting to get new school books in the mail!!  They'll be coming from 3 different companies, so lots of fun boxes to open!!

My oldest has been begging me to teach her how to sew.  To be honest, I don't want her touching my Janome.  =)  I thought about ordering her a mini Janome, but I can't bring myself to spend $200 on one.  So I started looking on Amazon and found the Michley Lil' Sew & Sew LSS-505 Combo Mini Sewing Machine.  The price was right, and the reviews look good.  The main negative is that it doesn't seem to sew well through thick fabrics.  But who starts out learning on denim and canvas?  =)

Anyway, it arrived today!

Her birthday isn't for another couple of months.  But tonight I'll try it out to make sure it works well.  I'll post a product review here.  =)

It also came with a small sewing kit...

...and electric scissors.

Anyway, as long as the machine works well, I'll be thrilled!

So, lots of excitement going on around here.  Fun boxes arriving daily.  Hubby may be coming home with a new (to us) van!  And I have an awesome microscope!!!  Did I say yet how much I love tax return time?  =)


1 comment:

  1. oohh I'll be interested to see what you think of that machine when your little one gets to it. I'm so excited for when my girls are old enough to teach them. I certainly wouldn't want them messing with mine though! Hope the new little one is settling in well!
