
Monday, October 3, 2011

MedicAlert Bracelet Fix

Little Love #5 has to wear a medical ID bracelet 24/7.  If something ever happened that we were in a car accident and we were unable to speak, or if she were with a babysitter, or any other kind of weird situation, emergency medical personnel need to know her allergies.  This bracelet lists her reactive airway disease, her anaphylactic reactions to latex and avocados, her contact allergy to dairy, mango, and aloe, and then says "others."  It also has the 1-800 number for MedicAlert and her own, personal ID#.  Any emergency personnel can call that phone number and give them her ID number, and they'll get a list of her other allergies, her medications, her emergency contact information, her medical insurance information, etc.

Well, she's had that bracelet for several months now, and kids grow so quickly!  So it was getting a bit snug.  I don't want to have a whole new bracelet engraved, so I took her in to the jeweler today to have a couple of links added.  But the jeweler had a brilliant idea.

He had a stainless steel necklace chain with links similar in size to the bracelet we had.  He sold the entire chain to me for $8.  He took a short length of that chain and replaced the chain on her bracelet.  I brought the rest of the chain home.  Next time we need it lengthened, I can just take the long chain I bought, and he can add more links from it.  As long as we don't need to change the actual wording on her bracelet, we can continue to add parts from this chain indefinitely!  Here you can see the original bracelet chain on top.  On bottom is the chain I just bought, minus the part he used to make her bracelet today.

So now we can make sure her bracelet fits her as she grows, and it cost me a total of $8 and change!  (He didn't charge me anything for labor.)  She's happy that her bracelet is no longer too snug, and it can easily be flipped over to read the back--but she can't get it off.   What an easy fix!

Anyway, I thought this might help out other parents out there in the same situation!

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