
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Woven Headbands

Can you tell I really love making fun and pretty things for my girls' hair?  And I found out recently that we're going to have our fourth girl soon!!  Yay, more fun, pretty hair stuff!  The boys are getting a bit out-numbered, though...

Anyway, last night my neighbor and friend, Brooke, came over to make some woven headbands with me.

Unfortunately, I can't do a tutorial for you all.  I bought the most awesome instructions from No Bow...No Go!, so I can't post the instructions here.  But you should check out her site.  She has some free tutorials and lots of other great ones.  Her one for woven headbands shows you how to make all sorts of different designs, and her instructions and pictures are beautifully clear.  One of my favorites is the Christmas one.

I also like making holiday-themed ones, like this one for Independence Day.

Halloween is coming up, so I see some really cute ones in the immediate future!  

One of the best things about woven headbands is that you can clip a clippie to the ribbons.  So there are so many cute things you can do with them!

On a different note, I finally started 2 projects with the chalkboard paint, but you have a to wait a few days before you can write on it.  So those posts will hopefully be ready later this week!

What have you been working on lately?

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